CD Not Detected

I have the CD in the drive, but the game cannot find it. What is wrong?

There are several situations that could cause this problem. They are listed below.

1. Your CD may be smudged or scratched. Look at the underside of the CD, and ensure that it is clean and free of scratches. Music stores often provide materials that can be used to clean a CD, and in some cases, buff out a scratch

2. Your CD-ROM drivers may not be the full 32 bit versions that work best under Windows 95/98. The CD-ROM Problems page explains how you can check this and who to contact to remedy the situation.

3. You may have a CD playing program running. Since these programs maintain control of the CD-ROM drive as long is they are running, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 will not be able to access the game CD until they are shut down.