Knowledge acquisition on the Virtual Gallery of Uchcom
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Il est deja dificile de a'entendre en utilsant la meme langue.
Un pere et une fils ne se comprennent pas, bien que parlant la meme langage, car l'experience qu'ils ont des monts n'est pas la meme et que les automatismes conceptuels, les jugments de valeur, lies aux mots vagues comme
liberte, egalite, justice, honneur, droit, devoir, discipline, etc, son forcement differents.

Repweb and Reseau Art Technologies

During RAT (Reseau Art Technologies) project we shall use Repweb as a webtool to allow artists, scientists and students to make explicit their mental models.

Repweb is a server on WWW that uses techniques from personal construct psychology (PCP).
Theoretical background of this site is the Kelly theory of personal constructs. From the Kelly's point of view, a man has explored his environment in all periods of his/her life. In any moment he/she has build hypotheses about environment and lives on the base of these hypotheses. The basic element of Kelly' theory is a polar notion - "construct"
Repweb is very similar to WebGrid server , so if you like to learn more about PCP and WebGrid applicatios (in English) it is better to read papers in Calgary university.