We solved many riddles and left even more unsolved. DO YOU THINK riddles are easy ? Try to solve some of them - WE bet you won't solve much. 1. When I am clean, I am black. When I am dirty, I am white. What am I ? 2. If you throw a green shoe into the Red Sea, what does it become ? 3. What belongs to you, but is used most by others ? 4. What question can you never answer "Yes" to, even if it's true ? 5. What's the difference between a locomotive engineer & a school- teacher ? 6. Which letter surrounds Great Britain ? 7. What goes from New York City to Boston without moving ? 8. What has to be taken before you can receive one ? 9. What is as light as air, but hard to hold ? 10. Why is it easier to wash a mirror than a window ?