Evgeny Patarakin

Hi! My name is Evgeny. I'm the director of the Distance Learning Laboratory at the University of Pereslavl.

Scietific activity

Scientific interests:

Educational activity:

International projects:

Leader of the Russian branch of the LogoExpress Project (MIT Media Lab) since 1992.


  1. Patarakin E. & Gajdar L. Logo and personal oriented education. Proceeding of the third European Logo Conference, E. Calabrese Editor, Parma, Italy, 27 - 20 August 1991, pp. 45 - 51.
  2. Gajdar L., Patarakin E. The provisoes of Logo adaptation in the USSR. Eurologos, V. 1, 1992, pp. 66 - 67.
  3. Kozodoj O., Patarakin E., Rudenko V. The organization and maintenance of regional information server in educational sphere", Distance Learning and New Technologies in Education, 1-st International Conference on Distance Education, ICED 94, Moscow, July 5-8, 1994, p.398.
  4. Patarakin E. New Educationa BBS established in Russia. Internet Society NEWS, 1993, vol 1, N. 4 pp. 14 - 17.
  5. Patarakin E. BBS UCHCOM - New educational service. International conference on Informational Technology and People. Proceeding. Part II of the ITAP'93 held in Russia, May, 24-28, 1993, pp. 151 - 155.
  6. Patarakin E. "The Computer Theater". East-West HMVR Conference. Moscow. September, 1994.
  7. Patarakin E., Travina L., Psychological Education. Logo Style and Logo Media. Eurologos, V. 2, 1994.