The Lake's Fauna


Zooplankton (small invertibrate animals which live in the water): there are 132 species in the lake. There are a lot of Rotatoria (more than 80 species. Small plancton crayfishs from groups Cladocera and Copepoda are the most rare of the species. On the shore grow water plants in which live various groups of animals: simple (Sarcodina, Ciliata); Coelenterata (Hydra); fresh-water Porifera; flat (Planaria), round and segmentic worms (Oligochaeta); Gastropoda and Bivalvia molusks. Most abundant of all species is Arthropoda - Crustacea and all groups of fresh-water insectes.



There are 16 species of fish from 6 families in the lake.

Amphibias and Reptilias

In the lake itself and in the lake's basin are found the following species of Amphibia: 4 species of frogs and 2 species of toads and 2 species of tritons (Triturus). Founa of Reptilia includes 5 species: 2 species of snakes and 3 species of lizards.


In the lake basin are found 204 types of birds, many protected types (geese, swans) and other types which migrate to and from the lake area.


In the area of the lake basin are found many species of animals from 6 orders.