Elena N.Zaitseva

University of Pereslavl
Program Systems Institute of RAS
152140 Russia, Pereslavl-Zalesssky
Fax: +7(08535)21731

I received a M.Sc. in Oriental Studies (Japanese Education) in 1987 from Novosibirsk State University.

Immediately after I graduated from the University, I began working at the Program Systems Institute of Russian Academy of Science (PSI RAS) where I was "immersed" into computers. Since that time I have been balancing between my attachment to Japanese culture and language and my interest in computers.

Presently I teach Japanese Language at the University of Pereslavl and I'm a researcher at the Distance Learning Laboratory of PSI RAS.

In 1993-1996 was a coordinator (from Russian side) of a number of Russian-Japanese telecommunication projects made in cooperation with schools-users of Japanese educational network APICNET.

In February 1997 we started a joint telecommunication project with Toyama University

My current research interests are:

Some links to the most interesting members and places of my telecommunity:

Shimizu Kokusai Gakuin Junior High School
Kohara-san Home Page (multi-language WWW)
Laboratory of Fujii-sensei

E-mail: lena@u-pereslavl. botik.ru